While summer may be the time for most businesses to relax, here at DMC we’ve been extra busy helping our clients achieve their marketing goals. We love watching our client’s success stories unfold, and we really appreciate hearing their testimonials about what it’s like working with the DMC team. We hope you too enjoy hearing what our clients had to say about our efforts throughout the month of July:
“I was preparing to email you today. All the materials have arrived. The pieces are top-level and amazing!!!! We appreciate your expertise and if there is ever an opportunity for me to provide a testimonial I would eagerly do it.” – Robert Coles, Franklin University, July 2017
“We received Steve’s business cards and they are AMAZING!!!” – Jessica Richter, Vantage Realty Pros, July 2017
“It was a pleasure meeting you as well. Business is picking up nicely already. I can’t imagine how crazy it will get when all of this kicks in. I looked over everything and double checked it all and I don’t want to change a thing. So efficient and organized! Lots of great ideas.” – Michael Couture, Couture Painting, July 2017
“I am truly grateful to you for the hard work you put into my Membership piece.” – Alba Vazquez, Compliance Solutions, July 2017
“Looks great! Please proceed!” – Alex, Tardus Wealth Strategies, July 2017
Nothing makes us prouder than upholding our reputation as a great firm to work with that ensures all marketing goals are achieved. We thank all our clients for the amazing testimonials this month, and we couldn’t be happier to be working with you!
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