In today’s technology-dominated society, your online reputation can make or break your business. Whether the information being shared about your business is true or false, how you’re portrayed in the online community becomes a reality in the business world. In order to keep your reputation intact, it’s important to know what’s being said about your business. Here are 5 things you can do to ensure your online reputation isn’t costing you customers or damaging the reputation you work so hard to build up.

Check Search Engines Often

In today’s fast-paced environment, it’s not enough to search your business every year, or even every few months anymore. Customers are writing about companies in record numbers on review sites, blogs, and in social media posts. Do a search on all the major search engines to find out what people are saying about your business. Consider setting up an automatic alert system, such as Google Alerts, to track when your company is being talked about. Google Alerts will inform you immediately when your business’ name appears in search engines.

Secure Your Name

Most everyone doing business today relies on technology sites to find service providers and gain information. This is why you should be claiming your business profile across the web and on all social media sites. That means Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Even if you have no intention of ever using Instagram for your business, you should still grab your Instagram handle using your company’s name so no one else can represent your brand.

Be Social

When used in the right way, social media platforms can be a very effective way to shape your company and brand reputation. Instead of aiming for instant results, take time with your social media presence. Build up a genuine profile and create content that resonates with your target market. Create and share quality content that your customers or potential clients want to read. Not every post needs to be promotional copy.

React and Engage

To establish and maintain a good online reputation, you need to be interactive. This means being accessible and responding quickly to foster and build good relationships. Delays in responding to Tweets, Facebook posts, comments, or questions can have a negative impact on your reputation.

Encourage Reviews

If you’re a business with no reviews, you’re in trouble. Feedback is valuable. It shows who is interacting with you and can give you essential insight into your existing reputation. Your business should welcome reviews with open arms, as nearly 90% of review readers trust what they read online. Having a large number of positive reviews can be a huge competitive advantage, so start encouraging your customers to get active online. A negative response can be turned into a positive by reacting in a professional way and not being defensive.

Having trouble managing your online reputation? Are you confused about where to even start? Let our experts support you in establishing, maintaining, and protecting your business’ reputation by creating and fostering a solid foundation for your online presence.

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