While winter may be the season to withdraw and hibernate, it’s been quite the opposite here at DMC! We’ve been busy helping our clients achieve their event marketing goals using unique video solutions.

Here’s a look at some of our recent projects:

On the Quick

We worked with one of our past clients to create collateral for an upcoming event on the fly! We had just 2 weeks to use our InstaVizion solution to create video handouts for event attendees that included a special event-only offer. Although not the ideal timeframe to work within, our team rallied together to get the job done for our clientwith production, shipping, copywriting, design, and video editing all completed in record time.“The event went well. We got a good 7 solid leads from there and the InstaVizion Video Handouts were a good conversation starter.” –Tony Aveiro, Director of Marketing, Endurance IT

Show Up Big for Big Decisions

We helped along time Marketing Masteryclient of ours prepare for an upcoming meeting of important decision makers using an InstaVizion video invitation with accompanying inserts with testimonials and proof of concept. We also handled full production and editing of the video. We wanted to highlight some of the company’s recent product updates and achievements to show these decision makers that their upcoming meeting had a clear front runner against the competition.We shipped these components to the decision makers before their scheduled meeting so it would be top of mind for them. The client is hopeful for a positive result and had this to say about the project:“This was a massive project and I would like to thank everyone involved. I want to thank everyone for going the extra mile to make this happen.”-TonyBarber, CEO, SmartPlug

Super Success and Another Project

We also helped a brand new client create video collateral to use at an event. Using our PrintAVizion technology, we created a video brochure for the sales team to use during discussions with booth visitors. They provided a script and storyboard and we developed, shot, and edited the video for use with their PrintAVizion piece as well. Our client was so thrilled with the results, this is what they had to say:

It was a huge success and our videos were a hit. We are tracking many great opportunities and see these deals progressing in our pipeline. My President said it was the best, most organized event we’ve ever had and he came back with a renewed vigor; ready for success.
Thank you all for doing such an amazing job for us. We were proud and thrilled to be a part of this journey and thankful to everyone that played a part. Please let your staff know that we are most grateful for their contribution.With the praises said which are much deserved, I have a next step project that I would like to get started with you.

-David King, iControl/Envize

If you need assistance preparing for your next eventor important meeting, count on the team at DMC! Our number one priority is our customers: let us WOW you! Contact us today to get started.


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