7-step Guide to Achieving Your Goals

It’s New Year’s Resolution time. At DMC, we want you to hit all your goals so that by 2016’s end you’ll feel like you’ve mastered the year! To help you, we’ve compiled a 7-step guide to achieving all your goals, including your New Year’s Resolutions.

Step One: Analyze What Needs to Change

Before you even think about a goal, ask yourself this question: “What aspects of my life aren’t working as well as I’d like?” Most people come up with a goal and go for it without considering whether something else might be blocking their path to success. We suggest starting out by thinking about things you’d like to move out of your way, so that you can climb to new heights in other areas of your life.

Step Two: Choose the Right Goal
Once you’ve come up with a couple of ways you’d like to improve your life, make yourself a roadmap. We always suggest that you put each goal in writing, and be careful to word each step so that it’s realistic and measurable. Vague or unrealistic goals fail to offer a viable plan, which usually results in failure. So take the time you need to spell out each step of your plan.

Step Three: Prepare Yourself
No goal is achieved without preparation, so do your homework. If, for instance, you’re planning to lose weight, you need to decide what that will entail: Will you cut out (or cut down on) certain foods? You’ll need a grocery list, and maybe some healthier recipes. Will you vow to put half of any restaurant meal in a to-go container as soon as it’s served, transforming one fattening meal into two healthier meals? Will you count calories? Decide how you’ll log the calories you consume. Will you exercise? How, when, and for how long?

Be sure to write everything down, so you have a reference to keep you accountable, and to celebrate your achievements along your way.


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