How to Protect Your Online Reputation

In today’s technology-dominated society, your online reputation can make or break your business. Whether the information being shared about your business is true or false, how you’re portrayed in the online community becomes a reality in the business world. In order to keep your reputation intact, it’s important to know what’s being said about your business. Here are 5 things you can do to ensure your online reputation isn’t costing you customers or damaging the reputation you work so hard to build up.

Check Search Engines Often 

In today’s fast-paced environment, it’s not enough to search your business every year, or even every few months anymore. Customers are writing about companies in record numbers on review sites, blogs, and in social media posts. Do a search on all the major search engines to find out what people are saying about your business. Consider setting up an automatic alert system, such as Google Alerts, to track when your company is being talked about. Google Alerts will inform you immediately when your business’ name appears in search engines.

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