Three Way to Get More Video Views

Video content has been proven to boost conversions and even sales. To get these conversion rates and sales, you first need views. With so much video content streaming out there, the question is: how do you ensure that your videos get noticed? 

 1. Share Strategically 

The best way to get the attention of customers or potential leads is by sharing content. However, you need to be strategic and diligent about sharing your video content. Uploading a video to the web and hoping people will find it will not bring the results you are seeking. It’s important to use all social media platforms to promote your video while also tweaking your social messaging so it’s engaging and relevant to each particular platform audience. And remember, location is key. When uploading a video to your website, embed it front and center. Give your video prime real estate so you can get as many views as possible.

2. One Size Doesn’t Fit All 

There are different video types that you can use to accomplish different goals. For example, if the goal of your video is to familiarize your target audience with your brand, you should create an easy-going, fun video. If you’re trying to form a long-term relationship, create a dramatic or emotional video that will strongly convey your company’s culture, beliefs, and branding. If you’re trying to drive sales, consider making an informational video that is light hearted and engaging to keep them watching to the end. It’s a good idea to set specifics goals for your video before it is created. Having a plan in place will help align your video with your target audience, allowing you to get the most views as possible.

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