Create Recurring Revenue By Mapping Your Client’s Journey

“Predictable and Recurring Revenue” is the white whale for many business owners. And usually, the focus falls on tweaking ad campaigns and marketing funnels. But, is this really the best way to tackle the topic of predictable and recurring revenue?


In this week’s DMC Marketing Nugget, guest Lauren Tancredi from Medicava shows you that your focus may be all WRONG – and reveals what has been working for her clients in the medical industry.

In the video, Lauren explains how to map out your Customer’s Journey to achieve predictable outcomes in customer satisfaction, referral generation, AND revenue!

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► Learn more about Medicava |

Devin Herz and his team run a visual marketing agency and masters of ROI-based direct marketing. Devin’s company, Dynamic Marketing Consultants, has assembled a world-class team of consulting and marketing experts to help you stand out in all marketing outlets. Whether your business is at the top of its industry and you want to keep it there or you are hungry for more success, Devin and his team are there to help! On top of being an Amazon Best Selling Author, his company won two Addy Awards, once for a Dairy Queen marketing campaign and another for an Exeter International. More importantly, they focus on making you the hero and your company the best choice.

If you are ready to stand out and explode the results of your marketing, DMC is a team that you can rely on. Let’s put a plan in place to increase your ROI and ensure you too have recurring revenue! 

Be sure to check out our previous Marketing Nugget videos too for even more tips!


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