10 Must-Have Marketing Strategies For Success In 2020

It’s hard to believe this year is almost over. While for some, it may be the time to slow down for the approaching holiday season, for us marketers, we never miss a beat on planning and strategizing. For your business to succeed in the new year, NOW is the time to start putting your marketing strategies together so you can start the new year off with a bang!

Here are the top 10 marketing strategies your business should be utilizing in 2020:


We’ve said this before and will continue to say it, content is king! To drive profitable customer action, you must keep them “content!” To prove your expertise to your audience, it’s important to create valuable, relevant, and consistent content targeted to your audience. Writing both interesting and helpful content along with engaging photos and videos will increase your exposure, and ultimately help your business grow.


If you haven’t noticed chatbots popping up on almost every website you visit, you definitely will in the coming year. To keep your business growing, customer service is crucial. Chatbots are artificially intelligent assistants that can answer questions at any time, providing your website visitors with the ultimate customer experience, placing you one step ahead of the competition.


Rather than providing a single, broad experience, personalizing your marketing efforts to your customers allows you to present visitors with unique experiences tailored to their needs. By analyzing your audiences’ past behaviors online, it offers a new way to showcase your products/services to meet their specific needs.

Social Shopping

By now, most businesses have come to understand the importance of social media. Social media has transformed and now allows businesses to advertise and sell products in a new, easy, way. Users can purchase products with a simple click on their social app – if you’re in the retail sector, this is a must for your business.

Artificial Intelligence

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the rise. It helps make data analysis more proficient, it can perform human tasks quickly and effectively and can monitor consumer’s online patterns so you can understand their habits. New forms of AI will continue to unveil themselves; now is the time to get onboard so your business can be more productive and profitable.

Interactive Content

Today’s online users want a different, interactive experience to learn and to be entertained and engaged. It is a great way to get a user to stay on your site longer and in turn, can increase the chances of your content being shared. It’s time to think outside of the box and figure out which interactive content works best for your target audience.


While influencer marketing has been around for quite some time now, it’s taking a twist. Where companies used to rely on celebrity personalities to promote their business, these days users want to see “real” people who resonate with their needs and wants. This coming year, adjust your influencer marketing strategy according to who you believe your audience will respond to more. Try using actual customers and see how well your audience reacts.

Visual Search

Google has been using visual search for years now, but new camera technology is making visual search an up and coming search medium. It’s important to optimize your website and social images for SEO and depending on your industry, don’t disregard Pinterest in your marketing strategies.


Video has evolved into one of the most important marketing strategies for businesses across any industry. People spend a lot of time watching videos, whether it be on YouTube or social media. For your business, you can use videos to demonstrate your product or service, share interviews or testimonials, case studies, live streams, and so much more. If you haven’t added a video to your marketing plan, we highly recommend doing so soon.

Hone in on your Audience

Instead of reaching out to a large audience, it’s time to cut down and target niche audiences. It’s all about your marketing efforts reaching the right user at the right time. Honing in on your audience will be more cost-efficient as well as more effective.

While this list of marketing strategies may seem overwhelming, we’re not here to stress you out. Our team of marketing experts here at Dynamic Marketing Consultants has the tools and experience to successfully implement these marketing strategies for your business. Let us handle these efforts while you manage your business growth. If you’re ready to set your business up for success in the new year, please reach out today to get started. 


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