Internal Marketing – The Key To Your Company’s Success

When you think of “marketing,” you probably picture a Super Bowl commercial or a looping Instagram Ad, aimed at getting a company’s product or service in front of millions of potential consumers. These are examples of External Marketing, and each year companies invest a great deal of money and resources into their external marketing efforts.

However, to truly build a successful brand, you need to focus on another important audience – the one within your own office space. This is called Internal Marketing.

Studies show that only 50% of employees believe in their company’s branding idea, while “even less are equipped to deliver on it.” Senior Management often assumes their colleagues believe in the power of the company’s brand, but sometimes it’s not fully understood or embraced by the entire team. What can be done?

Develop an Internal Marketing Strategy

With any solid strategy, you need to build an action plan. This ensures that you don’t go through the process blindly and allows you to discover areas that can be improved upon.

Internal marketing tactics should be carefully laid out, and then you’ll be on your way to maximizing a solid Internal Marketing Strategy. Follow these steps for success:

  • Formulate your Team

Determine who’ll be responsible for Internal Marketing efforts, getting everyone involved from the beginning. This typically includes senior-level marketing representatives, marketing staff, and company leaders such as the CEO, CFO, upper management, etc. Once determined, establish processes and communicate regularly.

  • Evaluate your Internal Marketing Structure

Whether or not you have formalized a marketing strategy, your company is likely to have some form of Internal Marketing even if it’s unstructured. That said, it more than likely can be improved. Identify and assess aspects that are considered Internal Marketing tactics. A good evaluation tool is to survey all employees to see what they know, don’t know, their views on the company, etc. This should reveal any branding gaps.

  • Align Marketing Messages and Conduct Open Training Sessions

After collecting information, you’re better able to align company marketing messages to get everyone on the same page. The goal is to have employees provide their personal touch when they talk about your business, but everyone’s perspective on the product/service should be the same.

Employees should also be able to openly suggest ideas, ask questions, and provide constructive criticism.

  • Keep Working After Launch

Even after you have a formal Internal Marketing strategy in place, great work culture, employees on the same page, and an engaging presence, you’ll still need to regularly improve tactics and be open to feedback.

Also, continue providing training/meetings for open discussions, adjust processes if needed, and keep employees briefed on what’s going on within the company, especially regarding marketing and branding. It’s also important to take their thoughts seriously.

Final Thoughts

When employees believe in your brand and are engaged in your company’s initiatives, they are more job-driven, loyal, and more likely to become influential marketers and sellers. Your employees are some of the best people to spread awareness of your company’s capabilities and services.

This is why Internal Marketing is essential to the success of your company’s brand. If employees are unaware of the company’s overall goals, marketing strategy, products/services, there will certainly be a gap in effectiveness with customers and prospects.

What do you think? Share your thoughts with the Dynamic Marketing Consultants team today! Should you need help developing a strong Internal Marketing strategy, we’re here to help.


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