How To Keep Website Visitors Engaged | The Best Live Chat Team

To have chat or not to have chat? That is the question. I’m sure everyone out there has been on a website and BOOM! In the lower right-hand corner, a chat icon pops up to greet you.

Nelson Bruton, president of interchanges, a lead generation firm in business for years joins us to discuss having a chat team on your side that will help your business succeed.

Below is a transcript of Devin and Nelson’s discussion that is filled with great nuggets to improve your business.

Devin Herz – Hello Nelson.

Nelson Bruton – Thank you for having me Devin pleasure to be here.

Devin Herz – Oh yeah. Great to have you here as well. And Nelson, you’ve got some awesome software and a business that I want to bring some attention to and let our viewers out there know that this even exists. So, please give us some insight on your background and how you really got started in this segment of marketing.

Nelson Bruton – Absolutely. So, gosh, we’ve been in business for 20 years and we’re a full-service digital marketing agency. And, about 17 years ago, one of the things that we plugged into our digital marketing solution package, if you will, is a live chat solution. And because we were already doing SEO and SEM and email marketing to drive people to a website, we were focused on how do we convert more of those people into sales opportunities? And we started adding chat to the website and built our chat teams out and it worked very, very well. And so that’s how we kind of came about 17 years ago, adding that chat solution to the overall mix.

Devin Herz – Yeah, that’s great. And I know that interaction definitely helps engage with visitors. And I would say that your platform is definitely different than what a lot of people experience out there when it comes to chatbots and whatnot. We’ll get into that in just a minute, but I think people spend tons of money getting people to their website, but they lose them as quickly as they get them there. Give us some insight on how your platform really helps keep the visitors engaged and what differentiates you from the typical chatbots that are out there. Because I know this is a completely different way to go about it.

Nelson Bruton – Yeah, yeah. It really is. There’s a ton of chat software companies out there that are really good. And if you have the people and capability to staff it yourself, it’s a great option, right? Especially if you’re a small business, there’s a lot of good, very inexpensive chat software out there. There’s a lot of chat software that has AI built into it, artificial intelligence, where you can program a bot to answer simple questions on your site and direct people through different choices. And that can work in the right applications. Where we really specialize is the more complex B2B environments we work with, mostly industrial components and equipment manufacturers, truck manufacturers, equipment dealers, where the conversation is more complex where trying to think about programming a bot is just a whole other level because there’s so many different options, products, technical details, etc. So, where

we separate ourselves is we provide a 24/7 dedicated chat team, real humans behind the chat. We have our own proprietary chat software, which is just a widget that, you know, like all the others you copy and paste the code onto the site that puts the chat widget there. But again, what truly separates us is that we have teams of people in call centers, professionals that we train specifically to dedicate to a customer website. That’s served us very, very well in the more complex B2B, customer space.

Get detail info: How To Keep Website Visitors Engaged | The Best Live Chat Team

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