Law Firms Experience Success By Incorporating Digital Elements And Video Brochures Into Their Marketing Mix

There are several techniques available to make your law firm stand out from the rest, and the video component is key! Law firms experience success by incorporating digital elements and video brochures into their marketing mix. Below we’ll explore some of our top tips for helping your law firm stay ahead of the competition.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is a part of many people’s daily routines. It gives us a chance to “check out”, especially when life becomes stressful, or we want some mindless entertainment. Instagram for example has a wide audience reach and creative photo-editing features. It would be wise to have a presence on Instagram if it makes sense for your business. Posting about recent happenings involving mass tort cases for example will keep your followers up to date, while grabbing the attention of those interested but not yet following you. Posts also have an opportunity to showcase all that you offer as well! Posts that include a video element will certainly grab more attention.

Create Promotions for the Right Audience

Targeting the right audience is important when it comes to marketing. Promote to your present clients – It will continue to build trust!  Don’t forget to look back as well as forward – appealing to past clients who have shown loyalty, may prove useful. Your law firm will be fresh in their minds when they need you in the future.  But how do you target new markets? Extending a discount to a new client can be the key to having them switch from their current attorney or selecting you from the beginning. It may seem counterintuitive because they’re not a paying client at this point, but consider this: Your potential client has already seen some of what you offer through digital promotions; now all they need is an invitation to discuss further.

Incorporate Reviews

When searching for an attorney, people do their research and rely heavily on reviews. Reviews are a fundamental tool in attracting new business because they provide credibility. We suggest making the review process simple! Create an easy way for your satisfied clients to share feedback with others on how you’ve helped them with their legal matters. When people read your reviews, it will become clear why your practice is unparalleled in your area.

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