Results Driven Marketing: The Importance Of Web Strategy And Design | Dynamic consultant


Whether your business is located in a brick and mortar building or entirely online, having a strong digital presence and well-designed website is essential for business growth. I’m sure you have interacted with a business website that was too slow to load, and the information you were searching for wasn’t easy to locate. From building out an intuitive website to establishing a solid web strategy, how you design and implement your business website can make or break your brand!

Developing Your Digital Strategy: The Facts
Not every website that looks attractive is effective at converting leads into customers. The modern advances in analyzing big data have ushered in many intriguing statistics demonstrating just how important having an appealing website is. 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if they perceive the layout to be unattractive. Additionally, Time Magazine recently found that a website has an average of 15 seconds to capture the attention of a user, or they simply click out. Having an effective digital presence doesn’t just end with a nice-looking website either. According to the Pew Research Center, 60% of internet access is done through the phone, making having a mobile-friendly website with valuable informative content almost as important as having a website at all!

With these fast facts in mind, before you even begin to develop your business website, it is important to establish a digital marketing strategy including your brand’s vision and goals in order to effectively capture your audience. Bringing on board a web developer with the know-how to accommodate both your brand’s style, product, or service as well as your client’s desire for an intuitive website can prove to be invaluable.

Search Engine Optimization: Can Google Find You?
Once you have a website you are proud of, next, you will want to bring organic internet traffic to it! Potential leads and customers use search engines like Google to search for products and services. Are potential customers easily finding your business? Or your competition’s? Search engine optimization is another aspect of well-executed web design and strategy that is increasingly essential to marketing your business effectively.  With millions of websites on the internet, how do you make yours rise to the top of the search engines? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the answer! Using keyword research, SEO experts can determine what your target market is searching for and cater your content to those findings. This digital marketing practice is what lands you on the coveted first page of Google searches and in front of potential customers looking for exactly what you are promoting! From a creative landing page and website copy that captivates your readers to creating valuable content for your company blog, there are countless ways to use search engine optimization to further your business’s visibility!

Pay-Per-Click and Drawing the Right Attention
While SEO is a great way to passively make your website rank highly in search engines, Pay-Per-Click takes this strategy a bit further. Have you noticed those advertisements at the top of the search engines when you search for particular keywords? Those are Pay-Per-Click advertisements. Those ads are created using tools like Google AdWords. This form of advertising is especially beneficial for increasing a website’s exposure because the ads are rendered based upon the exact keyword searched. Additionally, you only pay for the advertisement if it is clicked by a lead, hence Pay-Per-Click. For example, if you are a Tampa, Florida based personal injury attorney, you would want your PPC ad to be listed when someone searches the internet for “best personal injury attorney in Tampa.” PPC leads will then drive highly qualified warm leads to your website, and with your speedy and attractive business page, you will capture the most conversions possible!

How We Can Help: We Grow Businesses Like Yours!
From inception to execution, we have a well-rounded staff of highly knowledgeable marketing professionals ready to develop and promote your website. You may have the best product or service on the market, but if your web strategy and design are lacking, your profitability is likely lacking as well. Take the first step today toward promoting your brand and its digital presence using current industry standards and best practices! We are here to help every step of the way and have been the powerful marketing boost behind countless businesses and their websites.


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