How Video Marketing Benefits Your Business | Dynamic Marketing Services


Do you know that video was the number ONE form of media used in content strategy last year, leaving far behind blogs and infographics?

More than 87% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. Video is unique because it stimulates the senses through sight, sound, motion, and emotion. It more so motivates people to act compared to other marketing content strategy elements.

Let’s take a look at why Video Marketing is so popular and how it will benefit your business.

  • Higher Conversion Rates

People today expect to see videos on your website and social media pages, and they’ll likely watch them. This increases the conversion rate by 80%. Meanwhile, including videos in your email campaigns increases your click-through rate by 200%-300%!

  • Better Search Engine Rankings

Google has been promoting the importance of video content for almost 15 years now. That’s why posting videos on your website helps you receive higher search engine rankings. Videos assist in increasing organic traffic from Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) by up to 157%.

Videos are a powerful weapon in the hands of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expert. They don’t impact the rankings directly, but they do give your website a better chance of improving your rank.

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